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Muslim History in Andalus/Spain.

  When the streets of London, Paris were submerged in the dark, the paved road of Muslim-ruled Spain was illuminated by miles after the mile street lamps.  And the 15th century is called dark age for Europe.  When there were no qualified Dr, even headache pain were the most problematic thing for them. When there was no arrangement for toilet and bathroom in other parts of Europe, there were 300 public toilets in Karandov, Muslim-ruled Al Andalus. When the people of London used to live in clay and clay houses, there were 113,000 luxurious buildings and 700 mosques in Karodow.  In other parts of Europe, when illiteracy and superstition, there were hundreds of schools, colleges, universities and libraries in Al Andalusia.  In Al-Andalus, where 90% of the people were illiterate, the education was universal. In the large library of Europe, when there were only 600 books in Karodov More than 6000 books of the year were published. But the Muslim-ruled al-Andalus is onl...

Who is Ertugrul Ghazi and What is Ottman Empire.

In 2014-Turkey had introduced Darama serial "Dirilis Ertugrul Ghazi" if you translate into urdu language, which mean is the re-birth of "Ertugrul Ghazi". According to Pakistani or others mostly do believe that "Ertugrul is complete 'Non-fiction(Real) which mean all 'scenes', which has happened in Darama acctualy it had been done prior in reality. Note! "Ertugrul Ghazi" life story which has been presented in 'Darma' serial is not complete non-fiction (real), in history "Ertugrul Ghazi' biography is only written in just 7 pages, which had been written after the 100 years of "Ottman Empire" cames to their existence. Meanwhile; 'Ottman Empire' history is based on reality. "Ertugrul Ghazi" was a real person rather than fiction. The son of "Ertugrul" laid foundation of "Ottman Empire" The Usman I or Uthman I. What is Ottman Empire? The Ottoman Empire was a state and c...

What is Paradigm.

                            What is Paradigm or Power of Shift Paradigm.  The term paradigm shift was introduced by "Thomas Kuhn" In his highly influential landmark book, the structure of scientific Revolutions.                  "Kuhn" shows how almost every significant breakthrough in the field of scientific endeavor is first a break with tradition, with old ways thinking, with old paradigm. Now let me explain my own word "paradigm" the word paradigm mean "frame of reference" you can call to paradigm anyone point of view, comments, how he see to world, or what perception have in their brain, or what ideology have, this is called paradigm and each individual's have different paradigm.  Scientist has been proved, no brain can matched with others, so it's has been proved everyone have different thoughts, perception and ideolog...

Artificial intelligence future

                       What is Artificial intelligence and future relation with human  Welcome Back To My Blog! "WajahatKhanC"  Little bit History of AI  Today's we are going to discuss about Artificial intelligence or AI which is considered a hot topic of technology in Tech's world.  Definition; according to Wikipedia the field defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving". Artificial intelligence was founded in academic discipline in 1955. That year passed disappointing for "AI" and it know as (AI winter) mean that were the Era of criticism which were rece...

What is success reality ?

              What is real success ? Can you imagine success is not easy as you heard or read in many books , magazine , article, success is like a ice-berg; actually what we see this is not only applicable for success's formula, i just gave an example of Ice-Berg this ice shown their height only 10% and it's hide itself 90% inside the sea unfortunately that 90% we don't observe; so in the same way we observe others succeed personalities just only 10% and we don't see the strong reason behind success, e.g why He/she has became succeed  and what is the actual reason or what goal they have adopted for their struggle in their lives; when we see like Bill Gates;  "Jeff bezos"    "Warren Buffet" or thers So! We only see their 10% like we see ICE-Berg; success demand Hard work, devotion, late night, rejection, scarification not scarification of money but it demand your precious time, success is not a ripen fruit we can eat wheneve...

What is difference between Follower and student

                           What is difference between Follower and student. This the most irritating  Question i had considered but i think it were, this the human psychology is ;when a random type question comes into our brain it unlock the power of thinking and millions of millions of neuron interact with each other try to find out new way of thinking and many type of perception comes to existence our brain generate 800 hundreds thought in one second so this our job is to which type of thought we ought to give permission to enter in our consciousness and sub-consciousness mind. let me clear is there is also major difference between "brain and "mind. so the brain is define as white matter and visible part of our body and the other "mind" defined as invisible which consist on feelings, thoughts, ideas, perception, and much more which we call us Ideology. so come to the point what is difference be...

There is Solid or strong reason why i became unemployed..

                                  There is Solid or strong reason why i became  unemployed..                                                                 This is amazing life learning lesson.. .! When i was in 8th class that time i had too much interested in technology, and i had been using Desktop computers all day and midnight; i remembered i had created so many websites; mobiles apps and (wasted); during that time i was studying about Android operating systems. Momentarily; i was taking keen interest in all things. And some dollars i was earning it were something about 5$ or 7$ a day; some i withdraw with #payoneer and remaining wasted due to not having #Paypal Service in #Pakistan. And another years passed and i have pr...