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There is Solid or strong reason why i became unemployed..

                                 There is Solid or strong reason why i became  unemployed..

  This is amazing life learning lesson...!

When i was in 8th class that time i had too much interested in technology, and i had been using Desktop computers all day and midnight; i remembered i had created so many websites; mobiles apps and (wasted); during that time i was studying about Android operating systems. Momentarily; i was taking keen interest in all things. And some dollars i was earning it were something about 5$ or 7$ a day; some i withdraw with #payoneer and remaining wasted due to not having #Paypal Service in #Pakistan. And another years passed and i have promoted in 9th class and got 2 subject repeat at the end of exams. My parents pushed me toward study that how can i failed in subjects; even i had considered a intelligent student in my family but Alas! I never prove it right that i am intelligent or good in curriculum study. So at the end i passed Matriculation with continuously pressure of parents on me; but still i want to "ON" my #Computer but it were strictly prohibited for me i can't use it due to interruption and D-focus on study. Now i have passed out #matriculation and 12 years education with #FSC and now doing (BS) and i am still unemployed if had continues my passion on Internet; It may be the result would be traumatically changed and i will not dependent on my parents; now my parents call me unemployed boy; because they don't give me financial education now they can call but i shall never do it same for my Youngs. So my main message is never push your child against their interest. Thank You so Much for read it.



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