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Artificial intelligence future

                       What is Artificial intelligence and future relation with human 

Welcome Back To My Blog! "WajahatKhanC" 
Little bit History of AI 

Today's we are going to discuss about Artificial intelligence or AI which is considered a hot topic of technology in Tech's world. 
Definition; according to Wikipedia the field defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
Artificial intelligence was founded in academic discipline in 1955.
That year passed disappointing for "AI" and it know as (AI winter) mean that were the Era of criticism which were receiving by different community due to fear of technology or as usual human do for shy away from "Change" 
It's human's psyche, it's always have fears for change. 
But we know "Change" always set place for themselves in society. 
In earlier 1980s the funding for AI reached in Billions dollars.
And 1985s it's reached at their peaks. 
Now we are all well aware about this technology. 
There are a lot of questions, conspiracies theory, myths are still exist in the world or society against Artificial intelligence. 
These all myths about AI for unemployment or war with human are baseless. 
Many people have thoughts for AI could war with human. 
[1] Let me clear here! AI can never do war with human because AI is learning from human; if human will not teach about war to AI, it will never able to understand or what is war. 
[2] Is AI can increase the unemployment rate in the society? 
No! It's only misconception; AI is the latest technology it could create more jobs for modern human. 
Yes! It's fact those are not upgrading themselves for modern era they can be jobless. 
Let me mentioned here which job are endangered or which aren't. 
1: delivery boy! Artificial Intelligence; delivery type jobs are going to end. 

Because "Amazon Go" 

is the best example for to reduce human effort; where no shopkeepers is present and you can enter in store for buy groceries to to scan QR code and takes whatever you want and go out without paying bills because bill will be detected from your mobile account when you withdraw from that store. 
And [2] Amazon prime; which delivers the short packet through drone. 
So these types of job will no more..!

2nd job loss! The banker; they will be no more because artificial intelligence are also covering the payment system around the world and paper currency will be vanished from world.

And it's will replaced by Digital currency like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies of digital coins. 
Your Mobile will become a complete bank without massive tax.
You will have just pay some cents and will keep your money safe without any worry of robbery. 

3rd waiters; now your thinking all the jobs which are replacing by AI are just for those people those aren't not well-educated so yes you're right. 
Because those are well-educated and pro-active they will never be victim of any modern technology. 
So waiters will no more!

4th is the Accountant; they will no more!
And these are many and many fields which will replace by AI. 

So these are were the threats which i try to explain. 
Upgraded and Up-to-dated person can never be part of victim modern era; no matter how much humanity will upgrade. 

In next blog i will discuss about.
Who is Sophia? 
Who created it?
Which country citizenship got. 
So stay stay tuned with us and thanks for read it.



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