What is difference between Follower and student.
This the most irritating Question i had considered but i think it were, this the human psychology is ;when a random type question comes into our brain it unlock the power of thinking and millions of millions of neuron interact with each other try to find out new way of thinking and many type of perception comes to existence our brain generate 800 hundreds thought in one second so this our job is to which type of thought we ought to give permission to enter in our consciousness and sub-consciousness mind.
let me clear is there is also major difference between "brain and "mind. so the brain is define as white matter and visible part of our body and the other "mind" defined as invisible which consist on feelings, thoughts, ideas, perception, and much more which we call us Ideology.
so come to the point what is difference between in student and follower or follower and student.
the main difference is between student and follower is 'One is blindly believer the other is not so this the main difference between student&follower student ask Question from their teacher, guider, etc but the follower are those who blindly believe and follow their foot step.
There is example for followers in "why Nation Fail' Book, this book tells us how layman is useful idiot and he/she follow their leader mostly they are not leader but they are politicians so they blindly believe on their perspective; the type of follower are religious, they blindly believe on their religious spiritual faith, and not rise question against them even when they are against their fans point of view they shall stay remained a statue of spiritual guider or religious person.
"The Why Nation" Book also tells" the Geographic rivers or sea minerals never impact on layman life due to the layman is follower and they can believe whatever spoke from their metal coasted leaders.
So this is the main difference between student and follower now i hope you got it very awesome way.
then now try to become a student rather than follower.
- the term follower is only applicable on God's chosen people like prophets.
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